writer, warrior, whack-a-doodle

Who is Savadear?

Who is Savadear?

May 15, 2012
Posted in: Totally Random | Reading Time: 3 minutes

"Who is this Savadear I keep hearing about?" Two years ago, Mr Wild Dingo whispered that very question, which had been burning in his mind for too long, to a Francophone at work. Bemused, the Francophone laughed. "Not 'Savadear,'  'Ça veut dire,'" he replied.  The expression literally translates as "it wants to say" but actually means "it means."

Since then, Mr. Wild Dingo has done really well in learning French and even gave a small presentation at work in French a few months ago. Admittedly, I haven't progressed or even tried to progress, as much as him. Ten years ago, it would have been easy for me to at least try but not so much now.

Learning a new language sometimes means changing a part of your personality or character. "Super!"  and "Magnifique" replace words like "awesome!" and "cool!"  "C''est logique" replaces "it makes sense" and so on.  A few months into my French lessons, when I was still having a lot of trouble with insomnia, I said to my French teacher:  "Elle est heureuse parce qu'elle va manger un os."  (Juno is happy because she is going to eat a bone.)  My teacher corrected me and said, "elle est content."  I'll never forget  the resistance I felt when I heard that.   I knew that it was one of those ways of communicating that wasn't literal and that the French didn't use the word 'happy' in that way.  Still, 'content' was not a word I'd use to describe Juno about to get a juicy bone.  She's not content! She's over the moon! She's elated! At that time, I was struggling with sleep, and not in any place to change my style of speaking and the types of idioms I used. I just wanted to learn vocabulary so I could understand the radio or shop without a dictionary. Our French teacher often sensed that and gave us exactly what we needed.

A few weeks ago we went to a party where there were French, Swiss, Austrian, Brazilian, Chinese, Cuban and Iranians. French was the common language. Only the Iranians spoke Persian and English but not French. Everyone else spoke French, some English and perhaps either German and/or Italian. We held our own in some French conversations, dipping back into English when we got stuck. And we often missed the punch lines of jokes, like  Sarkozy calling France from Hell, but it was a local call. Everyone laughed, except us because "local call" doesn't translate literally. But for the most part, it was all good.  Sometimes it's fun to be the foreigner. People look at you as some exotic creature. Especially if you tell them you're from California. Or if you're the only one wearing Danskos.

But it sure was nice to have the Iranians there, to speak English to when I needed a break from French. Believe me, the irony of speaking English to Iranians at a French-speaking party was not lost on us.

At least that dude Savadear never showed up.

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4 comments on “Who is Savadear?”

  1. Heh. That's actually really funny; the speaking English to Iranians. It's kind of amazing how that works when you're at multi-lingual parties. I was at a party several years ago (yes, I have actually been to a party) where there were Serbs, Russians, Americans, Egyptians and several Chinese. We ended up speaking German. Which was a bit of a travesty for me, as my German is all school-taught, and *gasp* I mostly studied medieval German (yeah, really - which makes the Gilbert and Sullivan quote seem positively normal). Actually, it was kind of entertaining, because you'd have people who were fairly fluent explaining things to their less-fluent friends, and so 4 or 5 minutes later, after the joke had been translated and explained, we'd laugh. The good thing about parties like that is that there is usually a lot of booze, and after a few drinks, nodding and smiling without saying anything is totally acceptable.

    Oh, and yeah, my French sucks. And I CAN ask for directions in German, but how many times at one party can you ask for directions to the nearest train station/American Embassy? 😉

    -Dr. Liz, who probably would have done better speaking Farsi than French at your party!

  2. Mama had the same resistance to learning correct French. She was told to use 'demander' as the proper verb to ask for something and it sounded so rude, she kept making up her own verb 'requester', which really annoyed the French speakers. Mama got over it and has been demanding ever since.

    Did you have to buy special fonts to get the French accent marks to display on your computer?

    Jed & Abby

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